The Communist Holocaust

James Slate
7 min readApr 8, 2017


In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest ideology in human history — Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism has claimed more than 100 million lives. Today, it continues to enslave one-fifth of the world’s people.

A free people cannot afford to forget the evils of Communism. We cannot allow the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and Castro to fade into the background of history. We must not forget the trail of blood and tears this utopian deception has left behind.

It is a great moral failing that so many do not know the extent of Communism’s atrocities. While the horrors of Nazism are well known, who knows that the Soviet Union murdered 20 million people? Who knows that China’s dictators have slaughtered as many as 60 million? Who knows that the Communist holocaust has exacted a death toll surpassing that of all of the wars of the 20th century combined? (Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation)

The following estimates represent citizens killed or starved to death by their own Communist governments since 1918. These numbers do not include war dead. The governments are sorted by body count (highest to lowest). All numbers are mid-estimates.

A detailed bibliography is listed at the end of this page. While this list is as complete as I have been able to determine, it is evolving. Some numbers are incomplete and there are still five Communist countries that have the potential to kill more of their citizens. (Scott Manning)

Communist Holocaust Body Count: 149,469,610


People’s Republic of China
Body Count: 73,237,000
1949-Present (57+ years and counting)

R.J. Rummel originally estimated China’s body count between between the years of 1949–1987 to be 35,236,000 (Rummel 1994). This excluded 38,000,000 million that died of famine during the Great Leap Forward. After the release of Mao: The Unknown Story, Rummel became convinced that the Chinese government was directly responsible for the famine, thus increasing his original estimate by 38,000,000 (Rummel 2005). 1,000 was added for Tienanmen Square in 1989 (Courtois 1999).


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Body Count: 58,627,000
1922–1991 (69 years)

The body count only covers the years 1923–1987 (Rummel 1996).


Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
Body Count: 3,284,000
1918–1922 (4 years)

This body count does not include the 6,210,000 killed in the civil war (Rummel 1996).


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Body Count: 3,163,000
1948-Present (58+ years and counting)

1,663,000 is attributed between 1948–1987 excluding the Korean War (Rummel 1994). 2,500,000 is the mid-estimate for those who starved to death between 1995–1998 (U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 2006).


Body Count: 2,627,000
1975–1987 (12 years)

The body count estimate is complete (Rummel 1994). The offical country name was Democratic Kampuchea during Pol Pot’s reign and then known as People’s Republic of Kampuchea afterwards.


Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Body Count: 1,750,000
1978–1992 (14 years)

The body count estimate is complete (Courtois 1999).


Body Count: 1,670,000
1975-Present (30+ years and counting)

The body count covers the years 1945–1987 for Vietnam/North Vietnam and excludes 1,062,000 from the Vietnam War (Rummel 1994).


People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Body Count: 1,343,610
1974–1991 (17 years)

The body count includes 10,000 political assasinations during 1977–1978, 1,000 children killed in 1977, 110 massacred in an Orthodox church in 1975, 80,000 during the civil war between 1978–1980, 250,000 that died in 1982 through Transit Camps, and 2,500 killed in a bombing raid (Courtois 1999). Another 1,000,000 is added for the famine during 1984–1985 (BBC News 2000).


Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Body Count: 1,072,000
1945–1992 (47 years)

The body count only covers the years 1945–1992 excluding 100,000 from the Tito Partisans between 1941–1944 (Rummel 1994).


Chinese Soviet Republic
Body Count: 700,000
1931–1934 (3 years)

The body count only includes the Jiangxi and Fujian provinces (Chang 2005). Although Mozambique has 700,000 to its name, the Chinese Soviet Republic produced more bodies in a shorter time period and the estimate is low.


People’s Republic of Mozambique
Body Count: 700,000
1975–1990 (15 years)

100,000 civilians murdered between 1986 and mid-1988 (Young 1991) and 600,000 starved to death between 1975–1985 (Courtois 1999).


Socialist Republic of Romania
Body Count: 435,000
1947–1989 (42 years)

The body count only covers the years 1947–1987 (Rummel 1997).


People’s Republic of Bulgaria
Body Count: 222,000
1946–1990 (44 years)

The body count only covers the years 1948–1987 (Rummel 1997).


People’s Republic of Angola
Body Count: 125,000
1975–1992 (17 years)

The body count only covers the years 1975–1987 (Rummel 1997).


Mongolian People’s Republic
Body Count: 100,000
1924–1992 (68 years)

The body count only covers the years 1924–1987 (Rummel 1997).


People’s Socialist Republic of Albania
Body Count: 100,000
1946–1991 (45 years)

The body count only covers the years 1944–1987 (Rummel 1997).


Republic of Cuba
Body Count: 73,000
1961-Present (45+ years and counting)

The body count only covers the years 1959–1987 (Rummel 1997).


German Democratic Republic
Body Count: 70,000
1949–1990 (41 years)

The body count only covers the years 1948–1987 (Rummel 1997).


Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia
Body Count: 65,000
1948–1990 (42 years)

The body count only covers the years 1948–1968 (Rummel 1997).


Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Body Count: 56,000
1975-Present (31+ years and counting)

The body count only covers the years 1975–1987 excluding 47,000 war dead (Rummel 1997).


Hungarian People’s Republic
Body Count: 27,000
1949–1989 (40 years)

The body count only covers the years 1948–1987 (Rummel 1997).


People’s Republic of Poland
Body Count: 22,000
1948–1989 (41 years)

The body count only covers the years 1948–1987 (Rummel 1997). Excludes 1,585,000 from ethnic cleansing between 1945–1950 (Rummel 1994).


People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
Body Count: 1,000
1969–1990 (21 years)

The body count only covers the years 1969–1987 (Rummel 1997).


BBC News (2000, April 6). Flashback 1984: portrait of a famine. Retrieved May 7, 2006, from

Chang, Jung, & Halliday, Jon (2005). Mao: The Unknown Story (1st American ed.). New York: Alfred A Knopf.

Courtois, S., Werth, N., Panne, J., Paczkowski, A., Bartosek, K., & Margolin, J. (1999). The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. United States: Harvard University Press.

Rummel, R. J. (1994). Death by government. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Rummel, R. J. (1996). Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917 (1st paperback ed.). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Rummel, R. J. (2005, November 20). Reevaluating China’s democide to be 73,000,000. Retrieved April 5, 2006, from

Rummel, R. J. (1997). Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder since 1900. Charlottesville, Virginia: Transaction Publishers.

U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (2006). Failure to protect: a call for the UN Security Council to act in North Korea. United States: DLA Piper.

Young, Lance S. (1991). Mozambique’s sixteen-year bloody civil war. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from



James Slate
James Slate

Written by James Slate

I Defend America and its Foreign Policy from a Liberal Perspective.

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