“Unfortunately the CIA does not follow the law as it is supposed to.”
Blatantly False. Everything the CIA does with regards to Covert Action is done at the direction of the President of the United States, always has been always will be. The CIA, like the Military is one of the Presidents tools with regards to Foreign Policy. Just like the military doesn’t get to invade Iraq upon its own volition, the CIA cannot and does not perform a Covert Action unless designated to do so by the President of the United States.
“ I find it completely likely that they did have influence on this attack if they did not outright plan it and have operatives involved.”
And I find it highly unlikely for all the reasons given above. And even recent developments that the FBI arrested one of the Individuals involved with the attacks. If the CIA and by extension the President and the US Government was truly behind the attack, one of the individuals involved wouldn’t be arrested by the US Government and extradited to Spain.
“ It is an attack on the sovereignty of two states, Spain and North Korea. Guess, we’ll just have to hear about it in fifty years.”
Well that’s precisely why it wouldn’t happen. And this just shows an ignorance of how the CIA collects foreign intelligence. If the CIA wanted information in that Embassy, a CIA Case Officer would recruit someone who works there, perhaps promising Political Asylum in exchange for the Documents, and voila, the CIA has the Intel. That is how CIA Espionage is done, not by ordering a Sloppy Overt Paramilitary Assault on an Embassy in broad daylight. There has never been a case in the CIA’s history since 1947 where its assaulted an Embassy. Its backed Coups and done some questionable things, but nothing like this. If it ever come out that the CIA were responsible I would be highly surprised.
“ They won’t be upset, France never did anything about Pont Saint Esprit, after all? Five French citizens died there, but just let it go”
You mean the Conspiracy Theory that’s been debunked by actual Historians?
“The USA has no intention of reining in our mad dog CIA, it’s just gotten worse over decades.”
Blatantly false, if you want to blame anyone for perceived CIA Abuses, then blame the President of the United States. Everything the CIA does with regards to Covert Action is done at the direction of the Commander in Chief. I find it astonishing how American Presidents can order Military Action in dozens of nations across the Globe, and yet you find it difficult to believe that those same individuals are responsible for CIA Actions. The President of the United States is the most powerful person on the planet for a reason. He not only has the overt arm of the military and its might at his disposal, he also has the might of the CIA in the clandestine sense at his disposal.